We are a very sophisticated banking boutique dedicated to the most
prestigious wealthy persons and firms worldwide.

We are a completely independent Financial Institution, with custom-made services only.
Therefore, we do not have a 'retail-public website'.

In order to contact us like a potential Client you must have a minimum cash asset
of ten millions USD. References will be required.

Own an Offshore Bank

Most jurisdictions impose heavy regulation on the banking sector and entry requirements are often designed to discourage the establishment of new banks.

One refreshing exception is New Zealand, a highly respected jurisdiction with a modern legal framework and rated the most business friendly nation in the world by the World Bank in 2005.

Banking services can be offered in and from New Zealand by different types of entities, including but not limited to Registered Banks, Finance Companies, Credit Unions and Building Societies.

We focus on the New Zealand Finance Company which is not subject to supervision by the Reserve Bank of New Zealand and yet entitled to offer banking services to its individual and corporate customers worldwide.

With your own Offshore Banking Business you are legally able to engage in activities such as:

· Deposit Taking and Lending

· Offering of Securities

· Issuing of Financial Guarantees

· Cash Management Services

· Payment Services

· Current Accounts

· Checking Accounts

· Savings Accounts

· Term Deposits

· Certificates of Deposit

· Wire Transfer Services

· Credit and Debit Card Services

· Marketing Investments

· Share Brokerage

· Fund Management

We offer a complete Offshore Banking Solution including :

· Finance Company entitled to operate as a Bank Worldwide

· Certified Company documents and Company Seal

· Registered office and Resident Agent

· All relevant government filings

· Registration of Securities

· Approved Issuer Status

A new Finance Company can be legally formed and registered in as little as 72 hours (not including additional government filings).

A Company name can usually be secured within 12 hours.

The Company is required to have a minimum of one director and one shareholder.

Directors and shareholders can be legal entities or physical individuals of any nationality and resident anywhere in the world.

The Finance Company cannot offer securities to the public of New Zealand without a registered prospectus, a supervisory trustee and the use of investment statements as per the requirements of Part II of the Securities Act 1978.

Please contact us for further information about requirements and pricing.

Moneda Management Bancorp.


Worldwide Strategic Partners



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MONEDA MANAGEMENT Banca Internacional Offshore, BANCO OFFSHORE, New Zealand Offshore Banks Europe España United Kingdom Estados Unidos USA Mexico Argentina Colombia Inglaterra Uruguay Chile Suiza Nueva Zelanda Europa Inversiones Offshore, Offshore Investments, Banco Offshore, Offshore Bank License, Andrea von Roth Offshore banker, Iternational Offshore Investments, banca offshore, Licencia Bancaria Offshore, Abundancia Offshore Bank Account, Equity Fund, Hedge Fund, Wealth Management, Banca Internacional, Cuenta Bancaria Offshore, Moneda Management creamos tu propio banco offshore Nuestras Instituciones Financieras tienen plena capacidad para realizar Prestamos , tomar Depositos Savings & Loans Corporations, emitir tarjetas de Debito y Credito Issuer Status, proveer a sus clientes WIRE clearing facilities , Bank Garanties BGs Cartas de Credito, proveer cartas de DUE DILIGENCE y realizar en general cualquier actividad de tipo financiero bancario, tales como Monetizaciones, emision de colaterales, nuestros bancos offshore estan debidamente autorizados para operar a nivel global Una vez adquirida su NZ Financial Institution le asistimos en la puesta en marcha del sistema de tarjetas de debito/credito, lo mismo que en el tema de WIRE CLEARING FACILITIES, o en cualquier otra de vuestras necesidades para que su Institucion Financiera quede UP & Running, licencia bancaria Offshore Inversiones bancarias offshore, Offshore Bank QUE ES OFFSHORE? En el Ambito financiero se utiliza para referirse a empresas ficticias creadas en centros financieros con un nivel impositivo muy bajo paraisos fiscales que generalmente se encuentran en islas estas empresas son usadas para ocultar el propietario o beneficiario de determinados bienes, Banca cuenta bancaria offshore

All Content Inclusive www.monedamanagement.com, Copyright © and Trademark Moneda Management Bancorp 2017.

MONEDA MANAGEMENT Banca Internacional Offshore, BANCO OFFSHORE, New Zealand Offshore Banks Europe España United Kingdom Estados Unidos USA Mexico Argentina Colombia Inglaterra Uruguay Chile Suiza Nueva Zelanda Europa Inversiones Offshore, Offshore Investments, Banco Offshore, Offshore Bank License, Andrea von Roth Offshore banker, Iternational Offshore Investments, banca offshore, Licencia Bancaria Offshore, Offshore Bank Account, Equity Fund, Hedge Fund, Wealth Management, Banca Internacional, Cuenta Bancaria Offshore, Moneda Management creamos tu propio banco offshore Nuestras Instituciones Financieras tienen plena capacidad para realizar Prestamos , tomar Depositos Savings & Loans Corporations, emitir tarjetas de Debito y Credito Issuer Status, proveer a sus clientes WIRE clearing facilities , Bank Garanties BGs Cartas de Credito, proveer cartas de DUE DILIGENCE y realizar en general cualquier actividad de tipo financiero bancario, tales como Monetizaciones, emision de c olaterales, nuestros bancos offshore estan debidamente autorizados para operar a nivel global Una vez adquirida su NZ Financial Institution le asistimos en la puesta en marcha del sistema de tarjetas de debito/credito, lo mismo que en el tema de WIRE CLEARING FACILITIES, o en cualquier otra de vuestras necesidades para que su Institucion Financiera quede UP & Running, licencia bancaria Offshore Inversiones bancarias offshore, Offshore Bank QUE ES OFFSHORE? En el ámbito financiero se utiliza para referirse a empresas ficticias creadas en centros financieros con un nivel impositivo muy bajo paraísos fiscales que generalmente se encuentran en islas estas empresas son usadas para ocultar el propietario o beneficiario de determinados bienes, Banca cuenta bancaria offshore

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